All player must sign waiver before he/she can join ou event. Below is the steps to sign waiver

  1. Go to.the league's team list page which is:
  2. Found your team from the list, for example.ICP:
  3. Found your name from the player list. you can sort by name to find it
  4. Click on the Sign Waiver beside your name. (If you already signed, then your status is Accepted.)
  5. Read the waiver carefully, make sure your NAME, PHOTO match
  6. In Waiver Signed By, type your name (FirstName LastName), in Year of Birth, type the year you were born. Then sign in the box below using your finger on. touch screen or cell phone or mouse on PC.
  7. Click on Sign Waiver button. I signed correctly, it the signed waiver.
  8. If you type in wrong name, or wrong year of birth, a popup window will show up. You need to fix your input
  9. If the name or brith of year doen't match your legal information, please STOP and ask your team captain to fix for you.
  10. Please leave a comment below if you have questions.